Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Gnocchi and then some...

So, for a first attempt it wasn't awful. I'm debating getting a gnocchi board because apparently I'm going pro. I've been through this before when I thought the best way to become a better knitter was to own a sheep. I'll try it again now that I know more of what to expect. And maybe the second time I'll feel less panic. There may have been a little bit of cursing with this one. The pumpkin was just much stickier than I expected.

It doesn't look like much, I know

I also made braised leeks. I might have burned them a bit. I found the recipe in Louisa Weiss' My Berlin Kitchen (which I wrote about in my last post) and figured I have leeks leftover from a few nights ago that need to be used. I thoughth they'd go nicely with the gnocchi. They turned out ok except Mark thought they were part of the gnocchi dish and not a side dish so he threw them in to each of our bowls and then put the gnocchi on top. It was so tasty! I think it broke up some of the heaviness of the gnocchi. Which was very heavy. I'd serve it that way everytime.

I was going to use the remaining pumpkin for a magnificent Sunday breakfast of pumpkin chocolate chip pancakes until I realized I was out of chocolate chips (a sin in this house), the recipe called for buttermilk (which almost always refuse to buy), and it was raining out. I almost actually drove to the store in the rain to get everything I needed at 8am but it just hurt to much to go then and know I'd have to go back later that day to do the week's shopping. I can only stand so much Kroger in a weekend.

The rest of the week has been pretty boring. But I've made my weekend menu so starting tomorrow night things should get better. We'll see. I can get a bit inspired on Friday afternoons!


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