Friday, July 20, 2012

The Big Day

After hunting online and all over Houston our furniture is arriving! Our dining set has arrived and I enjoyed a homemade bagel(!) at it this afternoon. Our sofa should be here this any minute! Very exciting day.
The new dining set!
But anyway, I finally finished my bagels yesterday. The dough making part is definitely the harder part. Yesterday was just a few minutes of boiling and a few of baking. The only downside was picking the day that happened to be 100 degrees outside. Even with central air I was roasting! I was planning on making lasagna for dinner last night but after spending some time over boiling bagels I decided against it.

And it tastes like a bagel!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

And Wednesday

So I went to meet with some of the knitters in the area. I got there a little bit late and no one was there. I wasnt sure what to do so I did what I always do in those situations and I called Mom. We chatted while scoped out the seating area and then I found a woman sittins at a large table with yarn. She ended up being the only one that turned up last night but it was still a really nice time. She told me about different areas to check out and which museums to visit. It was to get out for a couple of hours and talk to a local. It made me feel like I'm becoming a part of the community.  

I had plans to post a picture of my bagels and let you know if they were a success or not but with the morning I've had I have no desire to turn the oven on. I just want to unpack another box and watch an episode of Brothers & Sisters on Netflix. Well, I really just want to watch Brothers & Sisters but I need to unpack a box so I'll do that too. Maybe I'll have bagel pictures tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


And a really cool thing happened at Ikea!

They have spots for hybrid cars! For those who might not think of the Prius as awesome just check me out superclose to the front door! Ok? Ok.


Just Tuesday

I've decided to try making bagels. So far mine don't look anything like the ones in recipe I found on Pinterest. I'm going to need to refrigerate them overnight so we'll find out tomorrow how I did. 

Tonight I'm meeting up with a local knitting group. I'm a little nervous because I hate meeting new people by myself but I'm sure it'll be fine. Knitters are usually nice people.


And the proudest moment of my day was emptying another box! Well, that and getting to Walgreens without using my GPS.


It looks like another storm is rolling in. I have never seen storms like the ones here and I spent four years on the Rhode Island coast. Which means I spent four years underwater.

It's hard to see it but the blue sky is being pushed away by some dark clouds

Monday, July 16, 2012

Furniture shopping and food

This past weekend was busy! We went all over searching for a dining set and a sofa.

On Saturday (during a huge rain storm) we looked at a table at West Elm. I love the look of their stuff but the price tag, not so much. So we left empty handed.

On our way to the grocery store we drove past a cute little deli and decided to stop and grab some lunch. I had the tastiest peach and prosciutto salad! The deli's called Relish. I'm in love.

They even made the bags look nice
On Sunday we went to furniture store called The Dump. Everything was very Texan to me. Just big and covered in leather. We eventually found a dining set we like and I'm very excited for its arrival on Friday! We also found a sofa at Ikea which is coming Friday, too. I feel like I'm going to have a million people knocking on my door. Doyle's going to be SO excited!

Friday, July 13, 2012


We're here. We've moved in to our new apartment and I don't know where all the boxes came from. I don't
remember that much stuff coming with us!
View from the roof
Doyle seemed a little nervous when we were packing up the hotel room but he seems pretty happy here. And to add to all of the stress of moving I had a job interview yesterday. It went well and it was nice to get it overwith so I could focus on all that we have to do here.

Last night we were too tired to cook so we looked up restaurants around here and found a little Italian place just down the street. They had outdoor seating so we brought Doyle and watched the rain fall a few times while we ate our dinner.

Doyle with his Texan beer

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Last weekend at the hotel

This week has been good. Mark had the 4th off which was nice! It can get a bit lonely around here so it was really nice to have him around all day. We got tacos for lunch and then just hung out. After dinner we went swimming. It was a nice day.

I received an email on Thursday night from about a group in Houston they thought I'd be interested in and I am! The group is having a meetup in a couple of weeks and I'm looking forward to it. It would be nice to meet people around here. I hate having to meet new people though. I feel like I have to throw myself out of my comfort zone. Very uncomfortable.

The only other thing going on is MOVING DAY! I can't wait to leave this hotel. I've been counting down. Actually, I downloaded an app to countdown for me! I can't wait to decorate and organize! I can't wait to start trying all the fun looking recipes I've found online! It's going to get crazy up in our new kitchen!