Thursday, August 15, 2013

Been a bit

I got a fun new keyboard for my iPad so I thought since typing is easier now I should get back to blogging. I've been reading a lot of good blogs lately and I've felt inspired.

We've been in Houston for over a year now. When we first got here I thought we'd do touristy stuff all the time. Every weekend would be an adventure. That hasn't happened so much. Once I started working I just wanted to relax on Saturdays and then Sunday becomes grocery day and there goes the weekend. I'd like to change that. I want to come up with a list of restaurants to try and places to visit. And then I can blog about it.

I don't know if it's because September's coming (and I feel renewed in the Fall) or what but I'm just more excited about life right now. I'm reading more which I haven't done as much of since I stopped taking a train to work and I'm excited about knitting again. I've started practicing yoga once a week. Things are just good right now and I'm just going to embrace that.

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