Saturday, December 8, 2012

I did it!

I finally ran my first 5k! It's been on my life's to-do list for ages and today I was able to cross it off. And it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

I was super nervous before the race started but once I got going I was fine. And I was surprised at how good I felt when I got to the first mile. At mile 2 a woman was running next to me and let out a "woo" which was nice because I was starting to get a bit tired and that gave me a bit of a jolt. When I got closer to the end I could see Mark and he was shouting and that got me all excited. It also made me a bit emotional because I couldn't believe I was running a 5k. It's always just been something I said I wanted to try so to realize that I was actually doing it was crazy and amazing. I tried to remember everything Brielly told me as I ran across the finish line and grabbed my medal. Jeanette's early morning text message helped, too.

Now onto he next thing on my list. Maybe tour Italy or learn to drive a manual car.


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